Senin, 20 Maret 2017

tugas softskil bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Nama : Putri Dini Yanti
Kls : 4EA07
NPM : 17213005
Tugas : softskil b.inggris bisnis 2
Dosen : Genuk Apik Primula,SS

"How important to learn english as a student economic"
Mastery english very important for a student, unfortunately there are still many also have not realized the need for english courses good for a student.It does not mean value my english very high, but i also new start again to learn improve the ability b.Britain.Also not because considered english higher than any language, the problem cannot is english is language most numerous in using all over the world.What do we expect next the importance of mastery and learn english for a student, under this is probably some :
To a student , benefits english is one of a prerequisite to obtain an undergraduate degree .We all has made test toefl , for a student now you either not wrong toefl-nya have to 400 .If under 400 , have to repeat to value over 400 .Is unfortunate not if a student must postpone a hearing skripsinya because the value of toefl-nya not enough .Now english also often used as one of the requirements apply for the job .Maybe even it appears that the almost any employment professional requires mastery good english .Let alone international company that his monthly income international also .If not required capable of speak english , scholar who have english usually will be given higher priority to a job .
A scholar who must be absolutely bury benefits to learn english is scholar planning to continue their education to scholarship for s-2 degree or s-3 .If to pass s-1 must have toefl 400 , to take scholarship for s-2 degree we should have toefl 480-500 .Education scholarship for s-2 degree or s-3 usually taken by lecturers or candidates lecturers , as a college professor or lecturer of course we have to have english , lecturers may not lost speak english with his students .Bury a dictionary english also one of the requirements absolute to obtain scholarship graduate
( scholarship for s-2 degree and s-3 ) .At present there are many bid scholarship graduate to sarjana-sarjana in indonesia , good for college at home and abroad .All of the scholarship
( almost all requires mastery english , who does not want to go to free ? abroad again .So be in college , the streets , and adding experience and friend .
hat is a little the benefit of learning english, in this case english.We can choose what we want to friends, not always english.In addition to increasing khasanah knowledge and a chance to win work better or higher education, foreign language could also improve our ingenuity ( according to research ).