Minggu, 23 April 2017


Nama : putridiniyanti
Kelas :4ea07
Npm: 17213005
Dosen: Genuk


Dr. Suhrawardi K.
Sinar Grafika
Cetakan Ke
Cet. 1
Tahun Terbit


Jumlah Halaman
242 hlm

Kertas Isi


16 x 23 cm

300 gram


 Rp       57,000

The acts of brief author
           Dr .H.suhrawardi k .Lubis , sh . , sp . , n . , mh , born in the trunks of christmas , 15 june 1962 .It has multi a profession .He teachers , he also a notary and also pendakwah whizbang that .The spirit of dakwahnya he spend it discharged through muhammadiyah that have become a blood his flesh from when he was still dikampung his page .Suhrawardi last served as the vice rector of iv muhammadiyah university north sumatra , vice chairman of muhammadiyah region leader north sumatra in addition to the head of north sumatera laziswa pwm .After completing of public elementary school in the domain of silayang kecamatan batahan ( 1974 ) , junior high schools muhammadiyah ( 1978 ) and madrasah aliyah muhammadiyah ( 1981 ) in silaping kecamatan batahan domain , next continue their studies to law school muhammadiyah university north sumatra ( umsu ) medan and recorded as alumni first ( 1987 ) , graduated from a specialist notariat at the university of north sumatera ( 1998 ) and education program finished magister the science of law on program in the aftermath.
Suhrawardi worked as primary school teachers muhammadiyah in the way of mandailing medan ( 1981 ) , head of administration for fkip-umsu in medan ( 1984-1987 ) , maid a dean the field of kemahasiswaan fkip-umsu medan ( 1987-1989 ) , maid a dean kemahasiswaan the field of law schools umsu ( 1989-1991 ) , maid a dean the academic field law schools umsu medan ( 1991-1996 ) , dean of the law umsu medan ( 1996-2004 ) maid the rector of the areas of administration and finance muhammadiyah university north sumatra ( 1994-sekarang ) .Now recorded as lecturers fixed ( the lector the head ) in law schools and programs magister the science of law muhammadiyah university north sumatra
Besides active as staff , suhrawardi also active are involved legal profession the lawyer and law consultant ( 1987-1998 ) and as notary and making official land in deli certificate serdang ( 1989-sekarang ) , and now listed as vice chairman of the regional inspectorate serdang notary deli ( 2006-2009 ) .Suhrawardi also active in professional organisations , as on bond notary indonesia ( this ) , bond making official land certificate ( ippat ) , teachers association of indonesia ( pgri ) , the islamic economists ( iaei ) , and also been active in a bond muhammadiyah students ( irm ) , bond students muhammadiyah ( imm ) , youth muhammadiyah ( prime minister ) , now active in persyarikatan muhammadiyah as the region leader muhammadiyah north sumatra ( 2005-2010 ) after it was listed as kordinator law and human rights and deputy secretary region leader muhammadiyah north sumatra ( 2000-2005 ) .
Suhrawardi ever did research on assimilasi matrimonial law minangkabau custom and mandailing at the end of ivory kabupaten pasaman ( skripsi scholar law schools umsu ) , the contribution of islamic law in economic legal development in indonesia ( the program magister of jurisprudence umj ) , and research other related tugas-tugas as teachers in college , he once wrote in various daily up in field , magazine legal media law schools umsu and journals civil society published by muhammadiyah university north sumatra , and write book called ethics legal profession , islamic law economy , law an agreement in islam ( work with drs .H.chairuman pasaribu ) , islamic law heirs ( complete and practical ) ( work with told simanjuntak ) published by publishers rays grafika jakarta , and now preparing publishing some title book about law , especially islamic law economy .
The contents of a book
     Before discussing too far of the islamic economy , and writing in this book begins with explain the main source in setting a law in islamic economy to refer to al-quran and as a way of you have a reach and the plan universal .Hal-hal which do not have set with implicit in those two sources obtained by means of ijtihad comprehensive and to implement ijtihad it has not easy to be with several methods for judges .
Market mechanisms and the interest in view of islam
This chapter writer explained that in the economy , the market is very important especially economic system free / liberal .Pasarlah that unite the producer and the consumer .Consumers also very determine the market , for konsumenlah that determines traffic goods and services .The consumers , the main problems faced by is how to manage barang-barang needs that they needed .For it , of course to set priorities consumer goods and services needed .It relies heavily on the state of consumers own .In addition , t In a free market mechanisms / liberal certainly cannot despite the interest.Writers also explained his opinion in this book.Is a dream among the stating that rente and interest same.That sentiment caused rente and interest is flowers money because equally interest.Then put to equal.In practice, rente is an advantage dieroleh the bank had lent because his money for memperlancarkan business activity / the company has borrowed the money.Meanwhile, the interest in praktinya, is extortion was done for the poor to be helped to escape from difficulty his life, especially once to meet the needs of anyway.But the fact is that the moneylenders may personal interest. he consumers will tending to get cheaper .
                        According to the interpretation and the explanation experts islamic law, in general they view that interest intended in al-quran is nasiah.Namely the form of interest among in the days of ignorance, even in excess of payments dimestikan to the owe in return from the timescale given.So, here it is obvious that some experts are of the opinion that interest to in nash al-quran was interest that bertempo.
Institutions and financial instruments in the view of islam
               In this chapter writer explained that the meaning of lembaga-lembaga and instruments and finance islam and readers can understand penjelasan-penjelasan the future .The writer also reveal that the emergence of an institution and financial instruments ( new ) not demands objective is based on the principles of efesiensi , because in the economy , humans will always be trying to always efficient .
            When be noticed the text of a law that is in provisions islam syariah , would be found several institutions and the instrument financial as a broad outline can be classified into activities non-banking and banking activities .Included in category zakat non-banking of them institutions , ijarah institutions , kafalah , greetings , rahn , do not , heirs , qiradh , syirkah and others .While that can be intended into categories banking ( related to the problem banking ) , namely al-wadiah , al-mudharabah , al-musyakarah / syirkah , governor bai’u bithaman anjil and others
Financial institutions banks
Next chapter fourth of this discussed the bank keunangan where pertama-tama talk about financial institutions banks and jenis-jenisnya, about the way that contained in terms of the bank and various types is in the banking sector.According to author term the bank derived from a exchanger money ( banko ) who has long been done in pelabuhan-pelabuhan when many bosun ships and tourists to come and go.In law no.10 in 1998 bank is business entity collecting fund residents in form of savings, and distribute it to their community in order to improve the economic situation of public.See in terms of its management system the bank divided into two are conventional banks ( system ) flowers and bank syariah ( with the system for the ).But according to suhrarwardi divide conventional banks are two types of business commercial banks and business pengkreditan the bank.
It appears that in an age of globalization now , they have generally speaking barely to protect of bermuamalah with conventional bank-bank ( wearing a system of interest in operating all ) , including even also in terms of worship as hajj .Even in trades conventional banks could not ruled out just .Here a question emerges on how the islamic law against moslems in such activities with the conventional banks ?
Writer proposes and concluded some opinion of experts who are based on the judgment of the tribunal tarjih muhammadiyah: flowers given by bank-bank state property to the customers or sebalikya during this applies , things musytabihat.As stated above that experts islamic law that there has been no consensus over the status of the conventional banks .One way out of this problem is to form bank syariah on the principle of sharing .Writers mention understanding bank syariah is banks pengoperasiaannya that adapted to the islamic syariah .
Insurance companies , the pension and capital market
In chapter fifth writer want to discuss this insurance company , pension fund , and capital markets .As we know what is meant by insurance or petanggungan itself is an agreement between two parties or more , the petanggung put themselves to the insured by receiving insurance premiums to give new to the insured because loss , damage or loss of profits expected or legal liability of to a third party that may be suffered insured , arising from some event uncertain , or to provide a payment based on his life meninngal or someone who dipertanggungkan .
In the context of insurance suhrawardi stressed that the risk of insurance and have links closely, for insurance were menaggulangi risk, with no risks insurance then neither do.On the legal insurance, in islam syariah categorized into masalah-masalah ijtihad.Because there was no official explanation both in al-quran and him.Besides the priests sect did not give an opinion about it kaena at that time perarunsian not yet known.
       There were many opinions adepts in clarify of the law the insurance insurance are in all sorts of haramnya , agreement insurance it does not opposed to islam syariah , social insurance accepted and insurance commercial nature not accepted , and there are who argued that insurance were syubhat .Then writer also share insurance in some form which included insurance loss , life insurance , and reinsurance .      
In this section writer explain or divide separately insurance social insurance bentuk-bentuk because of writers based that some scholars who contends about talent in agreement insurance is merely social insurance.For that social insurance secar will be discussed.Can be added that mentioned above spesifikasi-spesifikasi has its own, including taspen, asabri, astek, askes, face an accident passengers, insurance traffic accidents.
In our country indonesia provisions concerning pension fund diataur in law no.11 in 1992 .Writer share pension funds into two the pension fund work and pension fund financial institutions .
Finance company           
The establishment presidential decree ( keppres ) number 61 in 1988 , has been critical on legal affairs economy .Through keppres are finance company in indonesia has footing law that means finance company perusahaan-perusahaaan is moving in the funds in addition to banks and financial institutions is not bank ( lkbb ) , also acting financing in the form of providing funds or goods capital with unattractive funds directly from the community funding institution that undertake work covered various other businesses are venture capital , rent to business leasing ( ) , anjak credit , credit card , consumer financing and pawnshops .
Baitul mal wat tamwil ( bmt ) and cooperatives
            The term baitul mal wat tamwil in fact taken from 2 ( two ) syllables, namely the mall and the mall and tamwil house.The term baituln mal derived from a stanzas and the mall.The means building or house, while the mall means possessions or wealth.So baitul mal in harifiah as ruumah possessions or wealth.Meskipu this, said baittul mal usual interpreted as the ( public or state ).While baitul mal viewed from the perspective of the term if is an institution or body had to take care of the wealth of the country especially financial, both with regard to the entry and management, and pertinent to the matter spending and lain-lain ( aaron wednesday, 1992: 161 ).The house tamwil necessarily mean that a storage property personal property managed by an institution.
Activities economic
activities in chapter this , the writer of book explain on activity -- economic activities that is in its scope islamic as pinjam-meminjam , trade , tenancy , a work , perjannian pemborongan , agreement transportation , sewa-beli , franchise business , until multilevel marketing shaped syariah are also included by an author in this chapter .But not only describing definition and just to requirements as in other books , a writer too called us to know legal nbasis even to do with conventional law in indonesia be it the support the economic activities islam and those who are .
Excess books
a. pictures on the skin books ( cover ) compelling that cause we want to read it.
b. use structures language good and right in so easy to understand.
c. there are bnyak an arabic term, so the reader more familiar language
d. his discussion complete, peel all the problems related to
e. language used understandable
f. many of the other perbandingan-perbandinagan in comparison
Lack of books
a. book in published the use of perishable, and durable.
b. reverensi in use more inclined to one reverensi in this, while reverensi another just as complementary.
Why we should buy that books?
      Because this book can give positive contribution for indonesian students , particularly writer to know more about islamic attention on the community , background theory Market mechanisms and the interest in view of islam, Institutions and financial instruments in the view of islam, Financial institutions banks, Insurance companies , the pension and capital market, Finance company,  Baitul mal wat tamwil ( bmt ) and cooperatives , Activities economic.